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User Agreement and Legal Notices

DGP-StudioAnnouncementAbout 6 min

User Agreement and Legal Notices

General Provisions

  • This "User Agreement and Legal Disclaimer" (hereinafter referred to as "Terms" or "User Agreement") applies to all software works developed by the DGP-Studio development team (hereinafter referred to as "the team" or "we"), the official website of each development project, and affiliated self-hosted media accounts.
    • Please read all the contents of this User Agreement carefully. If you have any objections to any terms of this User Agreement after reading it, please immediately stop using any projects developed by the team.
    • If you are under 18 years old, please read and fully understand this agreement with the accompaniment of a legal guardian, and obtain the consent of the legal guardian before using any projects developed by the team.
    • If you have installed, used, or referenced any projects developed by the team during development, it means that you have actively read (read it completely) and fully agree to the terms listed in this User Agreement, that is, you have fully understood this Agreement and promised to accept the constraints of the agreement, legal statements, privacy policies, rules, norms, statements, notices, and other content related to any projects developed by the team.
    • This "User Agreement" is a user agreement and legal disclaimer entered into by the user (hereinafter referred to as "you") and any projects developed by the team. This agreement has legal effect on both the user and the team.

Nature of the Project, Services, and Definition of Responsibilities and Obligations

  1. As all projects developed by the team are "open-source" and "non-business" in nature, the team can make full decisions at any time, including but not limited to changing the "User Agreement" and modifying any content within any projects developed by the team. If there are any changes to the "Terms" or the content of the works, we will post notices on the relevant project display website. The revised "Terms" will take effect automatically after they are published on the official website.

  2. The development of this software is aimed at "learning development knowledge" and "accumulating development experience." All functions provided by all projects are "open-source" and "non-business" in nature. If you are dissatisfied with the security of any projects developed by the team, please uninstall/delete/stop using them immediately. If you continue to use them normally, it means that you approve of the security of any projects developed by the team.

  3. Any "unexpected losses (including but not limited to: software, hardware, property, virtual items, etc.)", "contractual damage", "defamation", "copyright or intellectual property infringement," and the resulting losses and liabilities caused by the use of any content in any projects developed by the team are all "losses and liabilities" caused by the user's own use behavior of open-source software on the Internet. Based on the MIT license declared in all works at their open-source location (i.e., GitHub) and the content stipulated in this declaration, it should be deemed that the aforementioned "losses and liabilities" have no responsibility relationship with all the relevant developers of the projects.

  4. During the user's use of any projects developed by the team, the team does not make any guarantees that do not occur under the following circumstances:

    • The user cannot use or update normally due to network conditions, communication lines, and other technical reasons;
    • Negative results caused by using "plug-ins in this software developed by a third party," "modified versions of this software compiled by a third party," and "software compiled by reusing project code created by this development team."
  5. Users acknowledge that any project developed by our team requires active user trigger for any information upload, except for necessary upload reports or related information in passive receipt of software or other related projects.

    • Users acknowledge that any project developed by our team fully respects and protects the "personal privacy rights" of all users. The project code is also fully open, and users do not have subjective reasons to accuse the development team or team members of "violation of privacy rights".
    • Any personal information of users will not be shared or transferred to third parties by any project developed by our team, unless with the user's prior authorization or the shared and transferred personal information has been de-identified and the third party cannot re-identify the natural person subject of such information.
    • Any project developed by our team contains links to other sites. When you visit third-party links, please read the user agreement and statement of the third-party site carefully. Our team is not responsible for the content, privacy terms, and usage agreements of third-party sites.
    • When using any project developed by our team, we cannot guarantee that the information you submit will be saved successfully. You need to properly store and keep the information you submit. Some projects developed by our team provide storage for "authorized data," but there are various force majeure factors in the storage process. Our team cannot promise to keep users' stored information indefinitely. Please back up your important information yourself.

Rights and Obligations

  1. Our team allows any individual or organization to conduct secondary development, functional modification, and reuse of our code for other projects without our team's authorization, for any project developed by our team. However, we reserve the right to pursue legal action against any infringement of our team's computer software copyright.

    • Our team shall not be responsible for any consequences resulting from the public release of the contents of any project developed by our team (including but not limited to video production, articles with content of this software, uploading to download sites not designated by our development team, etc.) by any individual or organization using the project developed by our team.
    • Our team shall not be responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of "third-party subsidiary programs or additional code that can be used for any project developed by our team", "modified versions of any project developed by our team that have been compiled by third parties", or "software compiled using the project code created by our development team".
    • Based on the legal definitions of "computer software" and "documents" in Article 2 and Article 3 of the "Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software," DGP Studio reserves all computer software copyright for all of our development projects. This includes but is not limited to all information necessary to construct the project and all document data related to the project (i.e. program design specifications, flowcharts, user manuals, etc.), with the actual content subject to the "Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate" for each project.
  2. Any project developed by our team is only intended for lawful and compliant learning and research use and shall not be used for illegal activities.

    • Our team is only a development team (not a legal entity composed of natural persons), and shall not be held responsible for any joint liability for any use of the software or any project developed by our team that results in any legal consequences.
    • If a user has already started using any project developed by our team, it means that they have agreed to the "Usage Agreement" and that our team has already fulfilled the notification requirements in Section 10 of this Usage Agreement.
  3. Copyright of the developed projects.

    • Our software development team holds the ownership of all trademarks in the software itself (excluding display content other than functional modules), all historical versions of the aforementioned works, and the surrounding websites. We also hold any related rights and interests regarding copyright.
    • All statistical data of any project developed by our team comes from users who submit data voluntarily. After the data is screened, it is displayed. Therefore, our team is not responsible for the accuracy of the data, and the data is not related to us.
    • During the use of any project developed by our team, there may be data that has original copyright. For these data, our team does not own their ownership. In order to avoid infringement, the user has the obligation to fully read and comply with the content of Section 10 of this Usage Agreement. The resources used in this software (including but not limited to fonts, images, and text) are from public information on the Internet. If infringement occurs, you can contact us at our GitHub to remove it.

Other Terms

  1. Determination of "Non-Business Nature" of Projects Developed by the Team.

    • Any project developed by the team has no business nature.
    • If individual or certain members of the development team, during their participation in the development of any project developed by the team, have entered into relationships with third-party users, including but not limited to gifts, exchanges, sales, etc., the resulting relationships are unrelated to the development team. This occurrence is not based on the fact that the team developed a related project, but rather on independent events that occurred at the location where the user entered into the aforementioned relationship on the Internet or in reality. The nature of this behavior should be determined based on the user terms of use at the Internet interaction location where the aforementioned relationship occurred, or in combination with specific behaviors that occurred in reality.
  2. Any project (including websites) developed by the team is developed for the purpose of "learning development knowledge" and "accumulating development experience," and is only for learning and communication purposes. It is strictly prohibited to use it for commercial purposes. After downloading or viewing the learning materials, please delete all related information within 24 hours. If you ignore this requirement, the software development team is not responsible for "possible copyright disputes, infringement of intellectual property rights, and civil disputes."

  3. The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China. If any provision of this agreement conflicts with the laws of the People's Republic of China and is invalid, these provisions will be reinterpreted as closely as possible to the original intent of this agreement. The other provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

  4. The place of signing this agreement is Liaohe Oilfield Mining Area, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, China. If a dispute arises in the performance of this agreement, the parties shall resolve it through consultation. If no agreement can be reached through consultation, the Liaohe People's Court shall have jurisdiction, and the appellant shall bear the costs of each stage immediately.

  5. The titles (including subtitles) in this agreement are for convenience and reading only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions of this agreement.

  6. Both you and the development team are independent entities, and under no circumstances does this agreement constitute any express or implied guarantee or condition of the development team towards users. There is also no agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship between the two parties.

  7. In this "User Agreement and Legal Statement," the term "our party" or "the development team" (as distinguished from "you" or "the user") refers to the entire team of DGP-Studio Development Team, including each individual member.

Last update:
Contributors: Masterain,Mr.Hope